So, of course I'm gaining more muscle, but in the long term that's not a good thing. And link building is like taking steroids. So it's best to stay away from that in 2019 and focus on things that are really important and that are really good. You have enough to do there. “Are links no longer important today?” Yes, links are definitely still important. However, it is the case that only the links that are really, really natural are important, that is: links that you cannot ask for, but links that are actually set by webmasters because they like you.
Don't miss any more posts: THE newsletter in online marketing Do you like this blog post? If you want to Special Data regularly keep up with the latest trends in online marketing, then subscribe to our newsletter now. Over 18,000 subscribers trust us. Subscribe now In general, not as many people link as before. But what you can do, of course, is to link up with cooperation partners and people with whom he works very closely. That's not a bad thing if it stays within limits and there are relatively few people, maybe five or something. You just have to see that it's relative / that it's natural, too. And then there's nothing wrong with that.

The good links that you want are really the ones that you can't build in any way, but where you actually get them / which you naturally get and where you are then surprised that you have them. These are the great links and you should really take care of the premium content and the content and good marketing itself and then the links will come on their own. “Then what can I do to get better rankings?” Yes, of course it's not the case that you can just twiddle your thumbs if you have optimized your website for SEO and then wait for the good rankings to come at some point. It's actually the case that / Sooner or later you have to become a well-known brand or have a really good website.