Three Basic Metrics of Google analyticsThere are dozens of Google Analytics metrics. Luckily, you don't have to remember exactly what each one means or how they are calculated.Instead, you can understand most metrics by understanding Google Analytics' three basic metrics users, sessions, and page views.Users Metrics that measure how many users visit your site.Session A metric that measures how many times a user visits your site and takes action within a certain time period ( click here to learn more about how Google Analytics tracks sessions ).Pageviews A metric that measures how many times a page on your site is viewed.
It sounds simple, but let's dig deeper to understand this.Let's say we have a scenario Belgium Mobile Number List about a user coming to your site for a few days On day 1 , a user named Tommy visits your site once and sees your homepage.In this case, the math is very simple. There is one user (Tommy), one session (one visit), and one pageview (only the homepage).On day 2 , , blog posts, and sales page.Still pretty easy, right?Day 2 had one user (Tommy), one session (one visit), and three page views (homepage, blog post, and sales page).
But what's interesting is what happens when Google Analytics presents the totals.Sessions and pageviews are added, but users are not. That's because Google Analytics knows (thanks to a cookie in the browser) that it was Tommy who returned to your site and not a different user.That's why “users” is a much better metric than sessions or page views for assessing traffic growth.Finally, on day 3 , Tommy visits your site once in the morning and again in the evening, and sees your homepage, as well as five different blog posts.You probably already know what happened.