Even before I started as a student on the bachelor s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at Oslo Nye Høyskole, I knew about the internship semester. I was completely clear that this was something I should do and was very much looking forward to applying to the organization I was interested in, and with which the college has an agreement. I applied for an internship in two places. At UNHCR in Geneva and at the Norwegian Refugee Council.
After a few weeks, I had the opportunity to come for an interview at the Norwegian Refugee Council moible number data in the Department for Field Operations FO . Bullseye When I started, I didn t know much about the FO department, but it didn t take long before I realized that this department was right up my alley. Field Operations is the department that plans the work that the Norwegian Refugee Council does in the field In the FO department, I am lucky enough to contribute to two sub departments.

One department is called the Strategy, Information and Support Unit and the other the Program Development and Systems Unit PDS . In PDS, we work particularly with the topics that the Norwegian Refugee Council has core expertise in Education Legal aid Food safety Shelter Clean water and good sanitation I have spent time thoroughly familiarizing myself with the various topics and all the research and planning involved in carrying out this work.