A brief description of the bot, it will be displayed in the profile: it is worth mentioning the channel and the meaning of the bot in it; bot-pic – avatar for a bot: you can upload any one from your device, but it’s better to take one that matches the theme; commands – you can add new commands to the bot, but this will not be useful to us. Minimum in our opinion, it is worth adding description, about and bot pic. Everything is in English, but with the help of our instructions it’s easy to understand what to do. Everything is in English, but with the help of our instructions it’s easy to understand what to do. First, let’s write down the description.
This could be the phrase “Greetings! Here you can pay for a subscription to the name channel.” We send the phrase to the father bot, he will add everything. Add the rest of the information in the same way. Remember that all data, including the picture as an avatar, should be Web Development Services entered and uploaded carefully. If the user thinks that something incomprehensible is written in the bot or that there is something extraneous or suspicious on the avatar, he can refuse to pay.

Not the best picture option, but still better than nothing Not the best picture option, but still better than nothing Done. Now you know how to create a paid Telegram channel. If you repeat the instructions, you will have a designed bot that will communicate with subscribers and show them how to pay for access to the channel. He will guide them by the hand to the last step and let them into the paid channel. How the user sees the subscription process. First, the subscriber goes to the bot landing page we created, the link to which is sent by the owner and administrators.